Friday, January 14, 2022

Analysing Film Openings


Analysing Film Openings

Nicholas Gonzales


During class, we were asked to choose a film pertaining to our specific genre that was chosen, and to analyse the opening of that film. Here is the opening to the film I chose and the analysation.


Film: Interstellar (2014) 

  • Genres: Drama, Science-Fiction, Adventure, Mystery


Who’s the main character?

-          The main character is seen to be a man. It can be inferred that the man is a pilot, considering he is maneuvering a vehicle in the air. A woman and child can also be seen in the beginning.

If there is none defined, what’s the hook? Even if there is a main character, what hooked you?

-          The hook I noticed in the movie was part of the story. When the woman that opened the movie started speaking, she spoke about her father. The man (her father) is then shown as a pilot, setting up the storyline.

What do you notice about camera framing and mise-en-scene?

-          The camera framing involves a lot of single shots. This shows a lot about the individual character and might let the audience predict what is about to happen to the character by showing the specific emotions each character feels related to the single shot frame.

If there are opening credits, what does the font style tell you about the tone of the film?

-          In the very first frame of the movie, the title “I N T E R S T E L L A R” is flashed across the screen. In a slow fade, the title is shown, with space in between each letter, which could be used to symbolise the science fiction aspect of the movie and its “space” theme. In addition, the background during this shot is completely visible, foreshadowing a scene that will be played during the movie and a signifying object (the spaceship). This, in addition to the lack of sound, sets the tone to be ominous with a bit of possible emotional sadness.


Creative Development Through Genre

Creative Development - Genre Research

Nicholas Gonzales

Throughout the course of the first semester, I have been researching specific genres of focus for the making of a short film. These are the genres I have researched and the genre I have chosen is drama.  

Genre: Science Fiction (Sci-Fi)


·         Setting

o   Outer space

o   Other worlds

o   Alternative versions of Earth

·         Narrative elements

o   New Technology

o   New scientific principles (time travel, etc.)

o   New political systems (Dystopian, etc.)

·         Film technique

o   Special effects

·         Symbolism

o   Futuristic props

o   Representative costume / setting


·         Steven Spielberg

·         George Lucas


·         Sigourney Weaver

·         Carrie Fisher


·         Avatar (2009)

·         Tomorrowland (2015)

·         Interstellar (2014)



Genre: Thriller


·         Lives depend on protagonist defeating the antagonist

·         Antagonist cannot be reasoned with

·         The protagonist is often the final victim

·         Hero must prevail in some way

·         Villain must be smart and powerful


·         Bong Joon-Ho

·         Denis Villeneuve


·         ChloĆ« Grace Moretz

·         Jennifer Lawrence


·         Greta (2018)

·         Run (2020)



Genre: Drama


·         Real life situations with realistic characters

·         Characters develop throughout film

·         Intense social interaction between characters

·         Characters are relatable to audiences



·         James Cameron

·         Quentin Tarantino


·         Tom Hanks

·         Robin Williams


·         The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

·         Hidden Figures (2017)


Shooting Script and Shot List - Eleven Bracelets
